Kim Hye-soo
    ZO In-sung
    Yum Jung-ah
  • LANGUAGE : Korean
  • DURATION : 130 Minutes
Persembahan sutradara visioner Ryoo Seung-wan "The Battleship Island" "Veteran" & "Escape from Mogadishu"

Di tahun 70-an, dua wanita yang dulunya adalah penyelam laut, tiba-tiba terjun ke bisnis penyelundupan.

Berlokasi di Kunchon terdapat penyelam wanita yang bisa menyelam tanpa peralatan, termasuk duo sahabat Choon-ja dan Jin-sook, & Hammer - saudara laki-laki Jin-sook. Mereka mengumpulkan makanan dari bawah laut untuk hidup. Namun, karena semakin sedikit pabrik yang dibangun di dekat pantai para penyelam wanita mulai mengalami masalah dengan sumber nafkah mereka. Tak ada pilihan lain, para awak kapal bergabung dengan bisnis penyelundupan di laut untuk mencari nafkah. Lambat laun bisnis penyelundupan di desa mereka menjadi terlalu besar untuk ditangani oleh keluarga Jin-sook dan desa yang damai secara bertahap porak poranda.

From visionary director Ryoo Seung-wan "The Battleship Island" "Veteran" & "Escape from Mogadishu"

In the 1970s, two women who used to be sea divers, suddenly get into smuggling business.
During the 1970s, in Kunchon, there were women divers who were able to dive without equipment, including two best friends Choon-ja and Jin-sook, Jin-sook's brother and Hammer. They always collected seafood under water for living. But, as fewer factories started to be built near the beach, the women divers started to have trouble with what they were doing for living. Without any choice, the ship crews decided to join the smuggling business in the water to seek a way for their living. But the smuggling business in their village got too big for Jin-sook's family to handle and the peaceful village was gradually broken.