- DIRECTOR : Eiichirô Hasumi
Kevin Dorman
Bill Butts
Erin Cahill - CENSOR RATING : 13+
- LANGUAGE : English
- DURATION : 92 Minutes
Agen D.S.O. - Leon S. Kennedy sedang dalam misi untuk menyelamatkan Dr. Antonio Taylor dari para penculik ketika seorang wanita misterius menggagalkan pengejarannya. Sementara itu, Agen B.S.A.A. - Chris Redfield sedang menyelidiki wabah zombie di San Francisco, dimana penyebab infeksinya tidak dapat diidentifikasi. Satu-satunya kesamaan yang dimiliki para korban adalah mereka semua mengunjungi Pulau Alcatraz baru-baru ini. Mengikuti petunjuk itu, Chris dan timnya menuju kesana, dimana kengerian baru menanti mereka.
D.S.O. agent Leon S. Kennedy is on a mission to rescue Dr. Antonio Taylor from kidnappers, when a mysterious woman thwarts his pursuit. Meanwhile, B.S.A.A. agent Chris Redfield is investigating a zombie outbreak in San Francisco, where the cause of the infection cannot be identified. The only thing the victims have in common is that they all visited Alcatraz Island recently. Following that clue, Chris and his team head to the island, where a new horror awaits them.
D.S.O. agent Leon S. Kennedy is on a mission to rescue Dr. Antonio Taylor from kidnappers, when a mysterious woman thwarts his pursuit. Meanwhile, B.S.A.A. agent Chris Redfield is investigating a zombie outbreak in San Francisco, where the cause of the infection cannot be identified. The only thing the victims have in common is that they all visited Alcatraz Island recently. Following that clue, Chris and his team head to the island, where a new horror awaits them.