- DIRECTOR : Shunsuke Ishihara
Megumi Hayashibara
Yukitoshi Hori
Minami Takayama - CENSOR RATING : 13+
- LANGUAGE : Japanese
- DURATION : 91 Minutes
Ai Haibara (otonim Shiho Miyano a.k.a. Sherry) Seorang wanita dengan tiga identitas, yang dengan berani menghadapi takdirnya. Shiho Miyano (nama kode: Sherry), seorang ilmuwan dan anggota Black Organisasi itulah yang mengembangkan racun APTX yang misterius (Apotoxin) 4869, obat yang mengubah Shinichi Kudo menjadi anak kecil! Namun, ketika Sherry menyadari bahwa Organisasi Hitam telah membunuh adiknya Akemi, dia mengkhianati Organisasi Hitam dan memutuskan untuk mengambilnya. APTX4869. Obat itu mengubahnya menjadi seorang gadis kecil, dan dia memutuskan untuk menyebut dirinya Ai Haibara untuk bersembunyi dari Organisasi Hitam. Namun perlahan tapi pasti, Organisasi Hitam mulai membayanginya.
Ai Haibara (autonym Shiho Miyano a.k.a. Sherry) A woman with three identities, who boldly faces her destiny. Shiho Miyano (code name: Sherry), a scientist and a member of the Black The organization was the one that developed a mysterious poison APTX (Apotoxin) 4869, the drug that turned Shinichi Kudo into a little boy! However, when Sherry realizes that the Black Organization has murdered her sister Akemi, she betrays the Black Organization and decides to take APTX4869. The drug turns her into a little girl, and she decides to call herself Ai Haibara in order to hide from the Black Organization. Yet slowly but surely, the Black Organization begins to cast its shadow over her.
Ai Haibara (autonym Shiho Miyano a.k.a. Sherry) A woman with three identities, who boldly faces her destiny. Shiho Miyano (code name: Sherry), a scientist and a member of the Black The organization was the one that developed a mysterious poison APTX (Apotoxin) 4869, the drug that turned Shinichi Kudo into a little boy! However, when Sherry realizes that the Black Organization has murdered her sister Akemi, she betrays the Black Organization and decides to take APTX4869. The drug turns her into a little girl, and she decides to call herself Ai Haibara in order to hide from the Black Organization. Yet slowly but surely, the Black Organization begins to cast its shadow over her.